Thursday, August 16, 2007

Photo of the Day!

I know, I know…it’s been awhile since I’ve sent out any photos of my little rock star. Well you asked and here they are. But first, a little update on my little giant. At his last doctor’s visit last week Donovan weighed in at 25.6 lbs (average weight of a 1 year old) and 30.5 inches long (average height of a 2 year old).

Currently, Donovan is “cutting” his first two teeth, not surprisingly, they haven’t bothered him at all. He has, as of late, mastered the crawling thing, and seems to now want to move right on to attempting to walk. A big THANKS goes out to those of you who purchased him walkers; now I have a fast moving MONSTER baby to chase after every waking moment of the day. THANKS!

Last night, Terrence and I had to lower Donovan’s crib to a height that doesn’t allow him the ability to use his upper body strength to flip out of the crib…walked in on him last night trying to climb out. SCARY!

So, without any further ado, here is the cutest, happiest, silliest, healthiest little baby boy that you will ever see.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Notes to Self

Take a stand in the place where you are now! Instead of putting yourself down and wondering how you can be prettier, smarter, sexier, more successful, organized, or efficient, celebrate who you are now. Know that you are blessed for the special talents and unique abilities you possess, whether it's singing a lullaby, cooking a delicious meal, making people feel at ease, or knowing just the right way to soothe your baby...embrace your blessings fully. Then share them with others, starting now.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

To do list...

The following is a list of items that I would like to accomplish in my lifetime.
  1. Learn to fish
  2. Learn to speak, read and write Spanish fluently
  3. Finish College
  4. Learn to balance my checkbook before my account is overdrawn
  5. Be more sexually adventurous
  6. Let go of toxic people, including family
  7. Buy a house
  8. Learn how to sing and do it once in public
  9. Learn how to play poker
  10. Get married
  11. Go to Italy
  12. Fit into a size 14/16
  13. Send my son to college
this is an ever growing list....

Photo of the Day!

This photo was taken July 7, 2007. Donovan at 7 months old. Out to dinner with Mom, Dad and big sister Jazmin.

Notice the bruise on his eye...he fell out of the stroller.

Busy, busy, busy!

I can't believe that every since I started this new, job I've been too busy to do anything. It's a wonder that I have time to write this little something to let you know that I am still here. Please bare with me. I am still here thinking about you and I still have so much more stuff that I want to share and get off my chest. Not to mention that I also have so many things that I would like to explore within myself on this blog. For instance, lately I've had the urge to write poetry. I don't know why, but when I have two minutes to myself I am going to explore that a bit more.

I have made a promise to myself that once a week I will dedicate time and energy to clearing my mind and replenishing my spirit by blogging.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Is This Gonna Work?

I am sitting here at my new J.O.B. trying to figure out if I made the wrong decision. Although I know for sure that I most definatley needed to get out my previous work environment I don't know for sure if this was the right place for me either.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Photo of the Day!

This photo was taken April 13, 2007. Donovan at 4 months old. Hanging out in bed on Saturday morning with Mom & Dad.


Today is the last day that will be an employee of this drama filled office. Lets just say that I've been a loyal, hard-working, socialable and dedicated employee of this office for a couple months shy of two years. In that time there have been plenty of good times and experiences. I have even been exposed to a whole new world of "opportunities".

Let me start by saying that in the beginning this office was a Godsend, almost utpoia like. People all working hard toward one goal and being rewarded for that hard work. This was an office were people truly enjoyed working together as well as socializing together outside the workplace. There have been numerous birthday outings and "business" trips not to mention countless 3-hour lunches and shopping outings. However, this all changed suddenly about 6 months ago. For whatever reason, I won't get into that, just know that when it changed, it changed drastically. No longer were people freiendly or appreciated. No longer was it acceptable for co-workers to communicate with one another. No longer was the work you did in the past, present or future acceptable...even though in the past it was praised. The placed that I once raved about to my associates and friends, was the place that I dreaded returning every morning.

Don't get me wrong, I am so ready to be out-of-here. I must say that although I am ready to leave I'm a bit sad. Those of you who know will say, "SAD, girl please", but yes a bit saddened that some of the relationships that I thought were formed here were just made out of convenience and probably spite. I'm sad that my friends who remain behind will have to continue to suffer the micro manging of every aspect of their existence. Sad that I had to pass on my responsibilities to someone who is completely unaware of what they are up against. Sad that women I looked up to as mentors turned out to be HATERS and misguided managers stuck on power and status. Not once noticing that "we" use to work harder and cared more about the work we submitted before they became POWER STRUCK.

But, oh well. Now I am moving on. Moving on to what I hope will be a great fit, a better opportunity and a chance to exercise what I have now adopted as "my career rules". These are a collection of rules that I have compiled with friends, colleagues and others. Although a few of them are funny, trust that there is always some truth in humor.

My Career Rules.... (no special order)
  1. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
  2. Never share your personal life with a "friend" who happens to be your boss.
  3. Never underestimate the office slacker.
  4. Never assume that everything will be alright when you come back from extended leave.
  5. Never trust a horny/frustrated co-worker/supervisor who's not getting any at home...they will make your life hell.
  6. Always keep something on your desk that reminds you of your "happy place".
  7. Work to live, don't live to work.
  8. Even if you don't smoke, still take a smoke breaks.
  9. Set expectations early...don't come in at 7 am if you don't plan on doing it everyday for the rest of your life.
  10. CYA - Record all conversations & save all emails.
  11. Don't always judge a person on first impressions.... just because that bitch was evil in the beginning doesn't mean that she wont turn out to be one of your best friends and your child's God mother. Don't get me wrong, she still a bitch.
  12. Review and update your resume at least once a month.
  13. A job can be replaced, your integrity can't.
  14. Apply for a job even when you don't need one.
  15. Ranking Factors SUCK...get over it.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I ain't got not a damn thing to discuss

I started this blog not really knowing what this was all about. Honestly, I'm not competely sure if i'am doing this correctly. My intentions were to keep a daily "log" of the happenings in my life and in the life of my friends and family. Unfortunatly, as I set out to do just that, I relized that I ain't got not a damn thing to discuss.

So, with that being said, I will talk about the one thing in my life that is great. My BEAUTIFUL Man-child Donovan. He is the only reason I work as hard as I do. So, from time to time, I will keep you posted as to how and what he is doing. I will also be sharing tips and LOTS, and LOTS of photos.

See you soon.