Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Notes to Self

Take a stand in the place where you are now! Instead of putting yourself down and wondering how you can be prettier, smarter, sexier, more successful, organized, or efficient, celebrate who you are now. Know that you are blessed for the special talents and unique abilities you possess, whether it's singing a lullaby, cooking a delicious meal, making people feel at ease, or knowing just the right way to soothe your baby...embrace your blessings fully. Then share them with others, starting now.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

To do list...

The following is a list of items that I would like to accomplish in my lifetime.
  1. Learn to fish
  2. Learn to speak, read and write Spanish fluently
  3. Finish College
  4. Learn to balance my checkbook before my account is overdrawn
  5. Be more sexually adventurous
  6. Let go of toxic people, including family
  7. Buy a house
  8. Learn how to sing and do it once in public
  9. Learn how to play poker
  10. Get married
  11. Go to Italy
  12. Fit into a size 14/16
  13. Send my son to college
this is an ever growing list....

Photo of the Day!

This photo was taken July 7, 2007. Donovan at 7 months old. Out to dinner with Mom, Dad and big sister Jazmin.

Notice the bruise on his eye...he fell out of the stroller.

Busy, busy, busy!

I can't believe that every since I started this new, job I've been too busy to do anything. It's a wonder that I have time to write this little something to let you know that I am still here. Please bare with me. I am still here thinking about you and I still have so much more stuff that I want to share and get off my chest. Not to mention that I also have so many things that I would like to explore within myself on this blog. For instance, lately I've had the urge to write poetry. I don't know why, but when I have two minutes to myself I am going to explore that a bit more.

I have made a promise to myself that once a week I will dedicate time and energy to clearing my mind and replenishing my spirit by blogging.